Rigid blister

Funkcja porządkowa
Oridinal function
Funkcja segregacyjna
Segregation function
Funkcja pojemnika
Container function



It’s more than just packaging. Rigid film is a guarantee of safe packaging, and rounded corners reduce the tension of the film, and thus enhance the protection against mechanical damage of the material contained in the blister.

Rigid blister serves both as a safe package and as:

  • disposable container for fluids – separated chambers in the blister can hold up to three different liquids
  • ordinal function, separating from each other the various elements of the set
  • segregation function, separating clean and dirty material, which was developed in the course of the procedure

Medical paper has a printed chemical indicator that shows that the product was EO sterilised (in accordance with EN ISO 11140-1).

Seal width of 6 mm ensures good seal of the packaging (in accordance with EN 868-5:2009).






KROK 1 - rozwarstwić opakowanie w miejscu wytłoczenia w jednym narożniku od strony oznaczonej piktogramami łapek 2_300x286 3_300x233
STEP 1 – separate the paper from the blister in one edge with an embossment from the side marked with hands pictograms TEP 2 – separate the paper from the blister in the other edge STEP 3 – grasp the paper in the middle of its width and in a smooth motion open the packaging